TAP Pest Control Insulation
It takes less energy to make TAP insulation, less energy to heat and cool your home, and no environmental hazard if ever removed.

Tap is the result of the combination of a pesticide with the best insulation for a patented product that:
- Controls Pests
- Saves energy and money
- Absorbs sound
- Contains All-natural ingredients
- Is evironmentally friendly
- Delivers fire resistance
- Is permanent
- Provides a perfect fit
What does TAP stand for?
- Thermal insulation is a material having air-filled cells or voids, or heat-reflective surfaces, which retard the transfer of heat to cold.
- Acoustical insulation retards the transmission of sound.
- Pest Control insulation, while performing the primary functions of thermal and acoustical, is labeled to control listed pests.
What is the insulation made of?
- All-Natural, permanent, and environmentally friendly, too. TAP is green! Well, not in color, but TAP is permanent, made from all-natural boric acid and recycled newsprint, thus while you're saving energy, you're also conserving landfill space. TAP has earned the US EPA's "Energy Star" designation.